THE ALFEE in NY at Forest Hills Stadium 1st.July.1998 [DVD]
THE ALFEE in NY at Forest Hills Stadium 1st.July.1998 [DVD]
- Prologue
- Wild Bahn!
- American Dream
- Count Down 1999
- Mrs.Robinson
- The Boxer
- マンハッタン・レイン
- Can't Stop Love!
- It's for You|冒険者たち
- 幻夜祭
- Crisis Game-世紀末の危険な遊戯-
- Brave Love-Galaxy Express 999-
- 明日の鐘
- Nouvelle Vague
- For The Brand-new Dream
- Stand Up,Baby-愛こそすべて-
- 星空のディスタンス
- Bridge Over Troubled Water[明日に架ける橋]
- Pride
- Just Like America
- Sweat & Tears