SOFFet Collaborations Best "With"

SOFFet Collaborations Best "With"の紹介ページ。
2011年3月9日にSOFFetがリリースした「SOFFet Collaborations Best "With"」の収録曲情報などを掲載しています。

SOFFet Collaborations Best "With"

SOFFet Collaborations Best "With"

SOFFet Collaborations Best "With"


  1. Beautiful Smile with Tokyo Junkastic Band
  2. イタダキ 7 with PE'Z
  3. NEW STANDARD with Sunaga t experience
  4. JunkArtistic with Tokyo Junkastic Band
  5. あなたのおかげです with GAKU-MC
  6. The moment I saw you with Sowelu
  7. 音遊技~参段~ feat.スキマスイッチ
  9. Into you with Spinna B-ILL
  10. Minus to Plus with KURO from HOME MADE 家族
  11. everlasting one
  12. 手紙~a letter to my decade~ with Full Of Harmony
  13. More than I love you ~365のキセキ~ with MAY'S
  14. スキナツwith mihimaru GT 15. ひとりじゃないwith MONGOL800

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