Ryuichi Sakamoto | Playing the Piano 2013 in Yokohama (DVD+Blu-ray Disc+2枚組CD)
Ryuichi Sakamoto | Playing the Piano 2013 in Yokohama (DVD+Blu-ray Disc+2枚組CD)
- kizunaworld
- litany
- a flower is not a flower
- Bibo no Aozora
- Asience
- tango
- solitude
- Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
- The Sheltering Sky
- The Last Emperor (他、収録曲未定、収録曲数未定)
- Mizu no Naka no Bagatelle
- Asience
- Tango
- Solitude
- Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence
- Harakiri (Death of a Samurai) endroll
- The Sheltering Sky
- The Last Emperor
- Theme for Yae